Monday, March 29, 2010

Yea, yea, yea, but what about Phase 2?

Well, Phase 3 is profit. And Phase 1 was collect all the parts(read: underpants).

So far Phase 2 includes:

-Use an old jigsaw to cut out a test piece. And after less than an inch of cutting, understand that the old jigsaw just isn't going to cut it(pun intended)
-Borrow a relatively new jigsaw from work.
-Use the new jigsaw to cut out a test piece. (More or less accomplished)

-Get the bloodwood and cut it up into 4 separate pieces. (Totally accomplished)

And that's it so far. The next immediate step is to cut the pieces down to a rough cut level. Three of the four pieces you can see above have the profile view penciled onto them. I'll probably cut them to within a few millimeters of the penciled lines. At that point I think it will be time for gluing and clamping. After that point it's a mystery, but hopefully I will soon decide.

Hope to do the rough cuts tomorrow or the next day.

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