Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Longboards, pottery and other ideas!

Three months have gone by and a few additional things to update about. Back in April the town we're living in, Lambertville, had a street fair called Shadfest. To commemorate the event, Oz requested I make her a board as well... a SHADBOARD! Oh, by the way, "Shad" are fish don't ya know? So I used the last two sheets of baltic birch plywood to glue and cut her out a fish!

And as she's a much better painter than I am, she painted the top and bottom with acrylic. As you can see, the top is a fish and the bottom is fishbones!

After the shadboard was done, I found my old small beat-up skateboard. And not letting good parts go to waste, I pulled off the trucks and wheels and then cut up my prototype board. After a quick repaint, I now have another spare board for friends to come skating!

Also spent a little time on the pottery wheel and finally got around to glazing the bowls I made LAST summer.

The big brown bowl on the left is my favorite! Its big enough to fit a hearty meal!

On other notes:
-I started a new twitter with a psych idea... I'll link to it after it gets going... it's definitely weird.
-I'm making a longboard for Oz's sister but the weather has either been crumby or too hot(or I've been too lazy) to get it cut up and sanded outside.
-I need to take apart and fix up this flooded bass I picked up after Hurricane Sandy!
-I'm also planning on putting together some drawn comics... deal with it Other-Ben-Hatke!