Thursday, March 11, 2010

Stories live in your blood and bones... and your internets.

"As you head to your favorite search engine and look for streaming websites of your top ten childhood cartoon shows, you're browsing the internet. On any of your searches, you're seeing the top 10% of the internet. That's referred to as the green zone and we secure it to keep you safe.

We accomplish that goal by clicking farther and linking deeper. We've been to the red zone, where there are far worse than pirates, identity thieves and viruses. It's the Unmoderating Host of bots and spammers, and these are not the kind that you grew up with. These are self-replicating plagues and auto-updating digital monsters. We get in the way of their encrypted packets as they attempt to spread and we Control, Alter and Delete.

We are The InterNauts, We're going IN."

I had some semblance of this idea for quite a while and last night it clicked in my head. A fantasy story about fighting monsters and brigands on the internet in a lawless place. Like the idea of sea monsters in the ocean back in the 1000-1300's mixed with the lawlessness of the wild west, all taking place on the internet.

And I have never heard it used before but I googled "Internauts" and it's already a slang word for people learning about the internet, and protocol and yaddayaddayadda. But maybe nobody's made a story about it yet. So that task can be up to me :)

The past few days I've also been working on the story line and settings for the next game of D&D happening this Saturday. Hopefully I'm further prepared for anything the players can think of doing.

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