Friday, March 14, 2014

Forgetting to POST!

I've completely neglected my poor blog. Time to recap things!

DÜDLE! My wife Oz and I(mostly Oz) have been working on making a new drawing game! Check out all the details over at ! The premise is to draw 5 cards(1 Adjective, 2 Nouns, 1 Verb, and 1 Adverb) then draw a picture using all 5 words in a phrase. After all the players have finished drawing everyone tries to guess the words in the pictures the other players drew. Simple! AND SO MUCH FUN! Try to guess what this was

Oz and I also worked together on two more longboards! Both were made as presents for friends. While I really like my pin-tail board which is super long, the requesters asked for slightly smaller boards which had rounded front and back.  Since I re-cut my first board into a similar shape, I knew what I wanted them to look like however my re-cut board had some slightly peculiar curves along the sides. So, for these I drew up a new template.

The first board was for a friend who loves the color orange and is fond of bears, which you can see! I did the wood working and Oz did the paint job!

 The second board was for Oz's sister Kari! Again, while I did the wood work for the board, Oz did the images! For this board Oz did some wood burning rather than painting and it came out great! The triskele(triple spiral) on the bottom and hibiscus flowers on top.

Longboards aside, I haven't been making too much. I sewed a jacket for Halloween. Other than that just brainstorming an idea for comic... but really haven't put the time into it yet. Also I'm on the verge of making a fun little podcast with some friends just for fun.

Definitely more posts coming in the future and far more often! No more of these 6 month gaps!

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